Law of Segregation

美 [lɔː əv ˌseɡrɪˈɡeɪʃn]英 [lɔː ɒv ˌseɡrɪˈɡeɪʃn]
  • 网络分离定律
Law of SegregationLaw of Segregation
  1. According to the law of segregation , the character of red rice is dominant inheritance under the control of a pair of main genes .


  2. The inheritance of the halothane gene was shown to be in agreement with Mendel 's law of segregation .


  3. The heredity conduct of the single isoperoxidase band conformed to Mendelian law of segregation . It was proved that peroxidase isozyme was controled by a single gene .


  4. This paper sums up and analyzes calculation of heredity and variation of senior middle school , that based on some knowledge of DNA constitution , DNA copy , homologous chromosome , law of segregation , law of independent assortment , genealogy .


  5. On characters of blue hilum of soybean seed and law of it 's segregation
